Monday, October 6, 2008

One Third Completed

Greetings in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

It takes much grace to survive on Helene. Life is raw and beautiful at the same time here.

This picture is an appropriate illustration of that fact. Instead of Volcanic formations, the island of Helene is built on raised coral from the sea.

We experienced our first earthquake this past week at 3:15am. It wasn't bad, but did lead to a prayer of thanksgiving before returning to sleep. We are geographically situated over a large "fault line" in the earth's crust. Roatan and Helene are literally a result of tumultous events when earthquakes shove coral up out of the sea. I am told that is still happening at time goes on. But, as you can see in the picture above, life still goes on. Our creator is so wise and omnipresent throughout His creation! Look at how the plant life and trees actually embed themselves into the solid rock-like coral - and life takes off. As the leaves fall and the sand, dirt and dust collect - a thin layer of top soil begins to develop. Then small critters take up habitat. The process continues until solid enough for people to build a "stilt house" on, and then you have the beginnings of a new community on Helene. This lead me to ask myself - "How is God using the spiritual earthquakes in my life to complete His good work in my life?"

This past week we experienced a major community celebration as the Honduras government finally fulfilled a long time promise of a cement bridge on the island of Helene. The only negative was where they located the bridge - as you can see in this picture, the bridge dead ends into the "bush" instead of being placed in a more central location on the island. (Government thinking is Government thinking wherever you go!) Oh well, Helenians look for any reason to celebrate, and a huge community wide pig roast with music, dancing, dominoes and much laughter was enjoyed by all.

This week we have a Short Term Mission Team with us from Newport, Rhode Island. It is good to have some extra bodies and spirits with us at this time. Their major project will be to build a new housing building for our water de-salination plant. They will also be helping in the school, with medical home visits, and building new relationships with the islanders. We are enjoying the opportunity to learn each of their journeys with Christ and share in their passion for hands on ministry in His name.

Our neighbor, Mr. Blue Crab, sends his greetings to all who hate seafood! :-)

Today marks the beginning of our second month on Helene. We have two more months on this journey, but only one month before we will need to give the team an answer about 2009. We desperately covet your prayer support for wisdom and Godly thinking during this time. Eventually we will ask for your help in arriving at this decision -via- some sort of survey. Therefore we will be praying that God will confirm through you what we are personally sensing from Him.

We pray you are experiencing God's workings and intervention in your life on a daily basis.

In His Love,

Henry & Terry

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