Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halfway Done - Six weeks completed!

For our halftime celebration we attended an island wedding this week. Island weddings are known to last four to five hours, so we just opted to attend the 90 minute ceremony and passed on all of the reception festivities. Here is a picture of Terry sitting with Laverne (one of our island cooks) waiting for the ceremony to begin. The stated time was 2:00pm - the actual starting time was 3:30pm. However, several islanders warned us about the late starts, so we arrived around 3:00pm and did not have to wait that long.

Two of the bridesmaids were teachers at our school. Shaunna is in the light blue and teaches our 2nd grade class; Kiera is in the red and teaches our 1st grade class. They both arrived before the bride. Two other bridesmaids did not, and had to sneak in a side door to join the ceremony, which was half way over at the time. Ahhh......Island Time!

We were able to enjoy the rest of the day off, which allowed for some clothing repair - I am so thankful I brought my personal nurse and tailor to the island of Helene with me!

However, she does look a little worn, tired and stressed out with some sharp seamstress scissors in her hand! A little scary!!!

So, we decided to take the weekend
"down island" on the main part of Roatan. We were told by a nurse on Roatan about a great resort to stay, "Blue Bahai", where the owner gives very good rates for those who are involved in missions.

Doesn't Terry look a little more relaxed here on a pool side bench carved like an alligator? This was after a long session soaking in a bathtub filled with hot water!!!!! Also after a good nights sleep in air conditioning with no dog fights, cow bellowing, or singing islanders waking us up several times. Did I say it has been six weeks???

It has been a great weekend, where we have been refreshed and have been able to regather our focus on our "calling" to represent Christ in specific ways. We will return to Helene tomorrow after attending church on Roatan.

We desperately need your spiritual support and prayers this week, as we will be meeting with Team Helene to discuss our hearts and how that will effect our length of service on Helene. We feel that we have sensed and confirmed God's heart for us during this weekend alone with Him; pray that Team Helene will also recognize God's voice and direction during this time of honest communication.

Thank you so much for your emotional and spiritual support during this entire portion of our journey. We truly sense this journey is not yet complete - but may take some unexpected turns and changes in direction. God has such a sense of humor and loves surprising us with His love and grace!!!!

We will catch you up to date on next week's posting.

Be assured of our love, appreciation and prayers for you and your support.

Henry & Terry

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