Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24, 2008

Please don’t take this as directed toward you – if it sounds like a sermon, it is targeted right between my own eyes. Lately I have been learning new insights on “seeing”. Not much has changed with my physical eyesight, other than the natural aging process. But my spiritual eyesight is a different story. I have been asking God why everything I “see” about future ministry on Helene produces excitement and Godly passion within me……but, when I share that excitement and passion with other Godly people whom I know and respect, most of them only “see” physical insecurity, unnecessary financial risk, personal health risks and questionable poor judgment?

Thankfully the Lord reminded me of the twelve “spies” Moses sent into the promise land to scope it out. Ten of those only saw a land that “eats its inhabitants” and is populated with warriors of great stature – Giants!!! The ten spies, desperately in need of spiritual bifocals, saw themselves as mere grasshoppers. The Israelites were ready to cash it all in and return to Egypt as voluntary slaves.

Thankfully, there were two spies who had 20-20 spiritual eyesight. Joshua and Caleb saw God’s provision through fields that were already planted, houses that were already built and barns that were already full. They knew God would supply all their needs – and nothing they could do on their own would guarantee anything – including volunteer slavery.

This has been a timely reminder for me. Sometimes it is so tempting to just give in and accept the majority’s visual perceptions – returning to spiritual slavery and the “ho-hum” of politically correct Christianity. In fact, it has almost gotten to the point that if the majority of Christian opinions is to turn left - - - I will engage my right turn signal!!! I would rather live out on the edge with Christ and other like-minded followers filled with His excitement and passion for others.

So in the future when the emotional or financial or physical challenges seem to overwhelm – please remind me to adjust my Godly bifocals!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 8, 2008

Airline Tickets are secured - sorting and pricing of Garage Sale items have begun - and now the official 3 month count down to departure begins in earnest. Counting tomorrow, we both have eleven (11) more Mondays of employment remaining. That is not discouraging at all - seeing how stressful and blue the typical Monday can be. However, that also means we have only eleven more weeks of financial security, health insurance, matching 401k’s, and all other benefits we so easily mistake for “security” in our Western culture. ” Papa - is this really your idea and desire for us? Please give us a quick kick in our spiritual ‘behinds’ if not.”
Okay Lord, it’s time to take our training wheels off our Americanized view of “security” - and begin to totally trust you for the momentum to keep us balanced and moving forward in our journey with You.
We know we would not be happy, satisfied and spiritually fulfilled with typical retirement plans and schedules. First of all - American retirement is not a Biblical Principle - (see if you can find any Biblical precedent for indulging everything on just your own plans, needs and wants. Doesn’t sound at all like the Christ I am purposing to imitate.) and second, we would be bored to tears and die an early death.
Our prayer is - “Lord, take it all - ourselves, our possessions, our time, our health, our passions, our independence, our sanity” - - - we are willing to appear foolish to others in order to serve Christ in meaninful and authentic means.
Thank You Lord, for blessing us with a new opportunity to go out on a limb and participate in life changing experiences with You.

Still On A Mission

If you are looking for the Henry & Terry McCray Missions Support Team - - - you are in the right place. You may want to take time right now and save this site to your "favorites" listings.
You have most likely been led to this page because you responded to our request for partners on this Journey. For those who know us already, you are aware that Henry's eyes (dreams) are much bigger than his stomach (practical reality); and therefore we are looking for some Godly wisdom as we investigate this next giant step in our journey with the Creator and Sustainer of All.

We are departing for a ninety (90) day missions internship on Saturday, September 6th, 2008. At the end of the 90 days, we are trusting God will make our next action step extremely clear to us, our journey partners (you) and the existing Missions team where we will be serving; on whether we should make a long term commitment to continue.
The location is the caribbean island of Helene, Roatan, Honduras. No, this is not a joke - - - somebody has to go - - - might as well be us!!! :-)
Actually, Helene is a rather undeveloped island, with no basic services (electricity, water, sewer, trash pick up, healthcare, education) except for what is being provided by a dedicated mission / ministry community of Alternative Missions team members . (Check out internet site at http://www.alternativemissions.com/)
Over the past 12 years this group has built a health clinic (picture - the only clinic on the island) and an English speaking grade school (also the only one on the island). In addition they have helped in many ways to improve the overall quality of life for all inhabitants of Helene.

New programs are in progress to help train adult islanders and equip them with new skills to start their own service based businesses such as garbage disposal with hand dug / maintained landfills, water desalination systems, organic toilets and others in process of obtaining support and approval from the Honduras government.

There are no roads or vehicles on the island. A few bicycles can be seen, but the major mode of transportation are your own two feet. Island population is around 1100 souls, with the major mode of financial income being the fishing industry. This is done with one or two male individuals motoring / paddling their own small boats out into the open sea to dive for Conch and/or Lobster; which are then sold to the Roatan vendors.

Others are forced to join commercial fishing expiditions that are gone for months at a time from their families. This has led to many homes existing without the consistent presence of a father image. (Not much difference from families in the states, huh??)

The only way on and off the island is by boat. It is approximately thirty minutes to the nearest civilization that provides staples and supplies. The airport is an additional twenty minute drive from that point.

The inhabitants of Helene share an ancestory of pirate-hood and slavery. Some of their forefathers were the actual infamous pirates of the caribbean - who, of course, were infamous for their low grade lifestyle, thievery, debauchery, lying, kidnapping, murdering and overall despicable standards of living. As a result, their offspring (Helenians) have been ignored, despised and forgotten for almost 200 years.
This is such a shame, as the islanders are an extremely hospitable, friendly, gentle and caring people who have a hunger for learning and for God. They value community highly and love to visit and fellowship with permanent or temporary islanders.
The overall stated purpose of the Alternative Missions Team is to "Reach, Teach and Send into God's World." The Love of God is demonstrated on a daily (24/7) basis through filling basic needs identified on the island and sharing life on a daily basis. This includes healthcare, childhood education, spiritual education, eccological training, spiritual mentoring, and equipping of the saints. Some of the first fruits are now being evidenced as islanders have taken leadership roles in all of the ministry efforts.
We will be using this blog site to record our steps along the journey with pictures added from time to time. We have invited you on this journey because we only want to be where God wants us to be - - - that is such an easy cliche to quote, but not so easy in practical application. We believe God has placed other Believers (you) in our lives to help us discern what "His good and pleasing will" looks like in daily application. We highly value your opinions, insights and spiritual wisdom as you follow our journey over the next six months. Please take an active part by responding to our communications on this site. You are our eyes and ears to help confirm God's direction for how we spend the remaining years of our lives for His Glory!
In November,2008, we will make a decision on a long term commitment (2009). If we all decide a long term commitment is of God, we will then need to begin raising financial support for our first full year of service. We beleive if God gives the green light, He will also line up Godly sources for the financial support to meet our needs. The availability of financial support will also be a large part of the decision process. But for the next six months all we are requesting is your emotional and spiritual support -via- prayers and your blog responses to what we are sharing along our Journey.

Thank you so much for your willingness to partner with us in this exciting chapter of our lives.
We love you and will be praying for your journey where God is taking you!!!!
Together we can serve Him better - - - and it's more fun too!!!! :-)
- Henry & Terry