Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year - New Decade - Ready or Not

The new decade began with a blast of Artic Air than desended all the way to the Houston area. We didn't recieve any snow (to the chagrin of our boys) but we did have a couple of heavy frosts, which led to the creation of "Frost Angels" in our front yard. We left a couple of our water faucets running through the night and had running water the next morning with no frozen pipes! showers!!!! Warm air has now returned and we are back into the 60's daytime and 40's at night. That was a short winter!

Change is in the air with more than just the weather, as we are nearing the end of our first year as Teaching Parents. This has been a true culture change, certainly exceeding our comfort zones and energy capabilities. "Growing" times are never without some pain, but the end product is hopefully worth the efforts. Working with six ADD/ADHD boys who also have many emotional scars has been more than difficult at times, but infiltrated by rays of hope from time to time.

We are currently assessing our position/situation, as other options for ministry have presented themselves to us. More on a later post, please keep us in your prayers and feel free to give us your insights and/or personal advice.

We pray your Christmas-Holiday season was filled with the Peace and Love of Christ as your created many new memories with loved ones to savor over the future years.

Blessings in 2010,
Henry & Terry