Friday, September 26, 2008

The Heat Is Back!

Greetings fellow journeyers!

This past couple of days we have been back in the oven. The ocean breezes shifted from the North (which is from the opposite side of the island). All chances of any fresh air get caught up in the dense forest as it comes over the coral mountains of the island and before it can get to our side. Thankfully we are a little more adjusted to the climate than we were the first week here. That combined with our learning to slow down a little bit has helped us to survive this week easier than our previous two.
This last Thursday, the thermometer inside the school read 97 degrees; with the added humidity all tape and glue began disintegrating and things literally begin falling off the school room walls unless they were stapled or tacked in place.

This is a picture of our 4th grade class room, taught by Mrs. Sheila Benson. All of the classrooms are very similiar with a teacher-student ratio of 10-12 per class. We currently have two Kindergarten classes, a 1st grade class, second grade, third grade, fourth grade and a larger class with combined 5th & 6th graders. Only a very few pursue education beyond sixth grade in Honduras. In fact, the next level is referred to as "college" instead of Jr. High or 7th grade as in the states.

The classrooms are basically wooden cabins with large vent windows (no glass). The students are loud, but very hungry for learning and basic attention from the teachers and staff.

To be welcomed as a school in Honduras, we support the government Spanish speaking school by providing the English department they can not provide. However, the Spanish school gets first choice of class time, and of course, they chose the morning hours. So our classes run from 1:00pm - 5:00pm - the warmest time of the day.
The heat does not seem to effect the students, just the teachers! Especially the white, male, chubby ones! (There are two of us.) The students run outside for recess and play very competitive soccer, jump rope, run foot races, all the typical elementary school recess activity - just done in heat that can easily cause heat stroke. In fact Terry had to make an emergency run up island on Thursday to assist a little girl who had passed out and collapsed due to the heat. She was swimming in the ocean at the time, but the water is so warm you can easily get dehydrated while swimming. The island men carry 5 gallons of drinking water with them in their boats when they are out for the day fishing and/or diving for lobster or conch. That's five gallons per man!!!

We are blessed to currently have four island teachers on staff. This is Shanna pictured here, providing a little extra tutoring during a recess break for the rest of her 2nd grade class. Each student is tested at the beginning of each school year to determine which class they will be placed in. Our second grade class has students ranging from age 7 to 12. This is not at all seen as a negative problem, as all students are not able to start their schooling at the same age. All of the classes intermingle well during the recess time - there doesn't seem to be near as many cliches as you would see on the typical american school elementary playground.

Speaking of playground - we do have one piece of equipment - a "boat-like" structure that was paid for and built by a short term mission team earlier this summer. The fourth grade boys love to climb on it and have imaginary sword fights like the pirates of old days. (Boys will be boys wherever they live!)
The greatest assest we offer as a school, is the total freedom we have to read Bible Stories, teach about Jesus and have audible verbal prayer times with the students. The students eagerly respond to the Christian love and are on the front porch of the school thirty minutes before school begins each day hungry for more. What a blessed opportunity we must not miss!
Thanks again for your prayer support as we continue to find our balance and niche where God can best use us in this ministry. Please keep us informed of your personal journey by posting a response on this site or just sending us an email; which will enable us to return some of support you are sending our way back to your circle of influence.
We love you and think of you often. We thank God for you every day!!!
Henry & Terry


Anonymous said...

McCrays, I'm longing for nachoes in our air conditioned living room with you! Oh, friends... you have no idea how I relate to your heat intolerance. I am walking through the fire with you and interceding for your strength and love for others each day. hugs.steve and c.

Anonymous said...

Being a teacher, I am sad the classes do not have more students in them...however, I am VERY excited to hear that those who do come, LOVE (hunger) to remain in my prayers daily. The heat sounds like TX this summer...we are just now able to open the windows of the car in the morning on the way to work, for a refreshing breeze.

:) nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Terry and Henry! I love hearing all the details! I will be remembering your special Bible reading times with the kids and pray for open minds and hearts to receive the Word each day. I will be praying for you physically and mentally as you take on the daily challenges of heat and new jobs. May God bless your sleep! Love, Becky