Our three month missions exploration to Roatan ends tomorrow as we fly back to Tulsa for the next leg of our journey. We are not sure what God has in store for us or when that may, if ever, become totally apparent. We are continuing to learn to lay back in His hands and enjoy the journey ....... we still have too many times when we find ourselves attempting to take over and just have to sigh and say - "Sorry, Lord.....old habits die hard.....please continue your work within us in your time and place."
As we look back over this past three months it is amazing to see how Holy Spirit has used every step along the way to knock off some of our rough spots and mold us more to His image.
Our first two months were spent in Helene, Roatan, Honduras - which God primarily used to slow us down from the "rat-race" pace we have lived in the U.S. for the past 55+ years. We learned from some Godly islanders what total trust in Christ looks like. We wish we could say we achieved that - but at least we are in process. It is amazing how many things we manipulate in our own lives and ask God to bless it.
Also on Helene, we learned from the islanders how much less we can live with. Less "things", "stuff", "transportation" other than our feet. (for Henry - less food and sweets!!) We also began to enjoy less time apart, less stress, less godless distractions, less religious expectations. Less focus on "doing" and major focus on "being".
For whatever reason, we were not lead to stay or return to Helene. Instead, we sensed God's leading to attend a Spanish language Emersion School on the mainland of Helene. After three hard weeks of homework and memorization we finally graduated Spanish Kindergarten!!! :-)
More importantly we began to sense the hearts of the hispanics on the mainland. Living in such poverty they were more content, fulfilled and thankful than we have been most of our lives in the States.
After "graduation" we returned to Roatan to help in a Mission Health Clinic and a Mission group who is providing water (physically and spiritually) to the newest residents of the island. Our hearts warmed within us as we spent time with these precious people. Most have such a firm resolution to Christ, family and neighbors. We were able to experience "community" at it's purest form.
Once again, for whatever reason, doors are not open at this time to return to Roatan. So ..... we remain committed to go through any open door Christ provides. At this time that means returning to Tulsa to look for doorways of minsitry. We think that may lead to ministry with Hispanics, but will not attempt to place limitations on Holy Spirit's plan of action.
So.....we head back to the states with trepidation, fear and trembling. We do not want to squander or lose the growth we have experienced over the past three months. Translated: we do not wish to re-enter the "career race", the "horde it for security" mindset, the "less time shared" structure of most U.S. married couples, the "compartmentalized mindset" that separates all areas of our daily lives. I'm sure most of you don't deal with those problems, but it took two full months on a desolate island for Christ to cleanse us and redirect our passions and priorities.
We are trusting Holy Spirit to place us in the midst of others who are "like-hearted" and will be willing to allow us to grow with them in the journey of Christ-like living.
Therefore, our journey continues . . . want to come along?
Blessings and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Henry & Terry
Say "HOLA" to T-town for us. I'm so glad God has molded you more into His Image during these past 3 months. There are certainly several Spanish speaking ministries you all can get plugged into if that is what God leads you to do. I would suggest "Good Shephered Lutheran Church." They have a Spanish speaking congregation of sweet and dear people. This is where we went to church for 3 years. Many blessing to you!
You authenticity and openness to God's purposes is refreshing! It is in our day by day living that the aroma of Christ is to come through us to others. Too often people endure today waiting for "it" to happen... whatever "it" is.
Each step is a part of the same journey.
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