Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nothing Is Small In God's Eyes

We were in Dallas this past weekend to hear a favorite writer – Paul Young. His first book – The Shack – has been #1 on the New York Times list for 14 weeks. It will be out in Spanish soon and movie deals are in the works. Paul impressed us with his unassuming humility, genuine spirit, and very funny sense of humor. It is hard to understand why many in organized religion are threatened by him. His small endeavor to “just write down his thoughts for his six children” has changed lives and challenged most to start thinking differently about spiritual relationships. As you see here, he’s just a little taller than me – not big in stature at all!!

Then on to Austin to visit an angel that is only with us for a short time unless a miracle happens. Cooper is my great nephew and has GM1.

Cooper is 14 months old and is small for his age. We had seen him at his birth through the NICU window, but this time we were able to hold and hear him coo and laugh....here he is visiting with Henry.

God is sovereign!! His plans are big, but he chooses players in His plan that the world would judge weak and small. Like Cooper, I am so thrilled to not be small in God’s eyes!

- Terry


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! We continue to pray for you both as time is so close. Please tell Nancy we're remembering her and Cooper and the rest of her family in prayer.

I just finished reading The Shack - it was great! Ben's getting ready to start it now.

Love and prayers to you both.

Sherry & Ben

Anonymous said...

how precious was our time to simply "be in the presence of"...how our Father yearns for those moments from our heart...there is NOTHING like it! Goodspeed on your journey...I can't wait to hear the chapters you wrote with God!!!
:) nancy

mistress_p said...

After I read "The Shack", I expected a visceral response from "Inside the Matrix" Christians.

My husband has people say to him, "Well, My Sunday School Teacher Said..." Pretty sad to think that adult believers would accept Flannelgraph theology in the place of an encounter with the Living God... but, there you have it!

My Sunday School Teachers certainly NEVER encouraged me to see the Image of God in an African American woman, nor to expect to see sound represented in a vision of light, nor to accept "I don't understand..." as the answer to doctrinal questions.

May God bless you in your undertakings!

Laurie Ann
Posing as an Ordinary Housewife :)