Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9. 2008

The count down has rapidly advanced to less than two months for our departure. Some days seem to drag endlessly on; while others fly too fastly by. We have had all of our first round of shots with a second round to take place in early August. This weekend is our "Mother of All Garage Sales". Along with the typical garage sale items, we have our pop-up camper and Henry's red work scooter for sale. We took the opportunity to canvas our neighborhood with Garage Sale flyers that also explain our mission and dedication to serving Jesus Christ wherever called. It is fun to watch the look on people's faces when we explain our choice to leave the luxurious comfort zone we have been blessed with in America, for a rustic life that is at times devoid of basic amenities such as water and electricity. It is totally opposite of the normal progression of acquiring a safe and comfortable retirement plan. But hey - - - we are alien's of this world and it's status quo. We choose to live for Christ and His Kingdom priorities . . . we choose to use ourselves up for His glory. May it be so!


Anonymous said...

Praying for a GREAT clearing of your "storehouse" to meet your financial need and the needs of those making the VERY exciting!
:) nancy

Anonymous said...

You two are right on! So glad God has revealed this piece of His life puzzle for you. It's a perfect fit! We won't be coming to your garage sale as you well know we don't need another thing! Ha! But I do pray it will be an annointed time of sharing with strangers and neighbors alike what God has called you to do. Enjoyed your links. Have a blessed weekend. Love,

Anonymous said...

hey friends! The hair is standing up on the back of my neck. So thrilled to have met you and love on you as you "go ye into all the world." We will be meandering on the journey with you and are thankful for the place to help us stay in touch. Praying for your last 6 weeks here and that you will minister to and be blessed by Oklahoma up until the moment you step on the plane. Yeah , God for working all this out with fear and trembling. woo hoo.
love you two.
steve and c.

Anonymous said...

Henry & Terry:
My first time to visit your great web site. Sorry to say I didn't check it out sooner. You are braver souls than we are but I think it is wonderful what you are doing. You will be in our prayers. We'll see you before you leave; more than once I hope.
Sandy & Ron