Please don’t take this as directed toward you – if it sounds like a sermon, it is targeted right between my own eyes. Lately I have been learning new insights on “seeing”. Not much has changed with my physical eyesight, other than the natural aging process. But my spiritual eyesight is a different story. I have been asking God why everything I “see” about future ministry on Helene produces excitement and Godly passion within me……but, when I share that excitement and passion with other Godly people whom I know and respect, most of them only “see” physical insecurity, unnecessary financial risk, personal health risks and questionable poor judgment?
Thankfully the Lord reminded me of the twelve “spies” Moses sent into the promise land to scope it out. Ten of those only saw a land that “eats its inhabitants” and is populated with warriors of great stature – Giants!!! The ten spies, desperately in need of spiritual bifocals, saw themselves as mere grasshoppers. The Israelites were ready to cash it all in and return to Egypt as voluntary slaves.
Thankfully, there were two spies who had 20-20 spiritual eyesight. Joshua and Caleb saw God’s provision through fields that were already planted, houses that were already built and barns that were already full. They knew God would supply all their needs – and nothing they could do on their own would guarantee anything – including volunteer slavery.
This has been a timely reminder for me. Sometimes it is so tempting to just give in and accept the majority’s visual perceptions – returning to spiritual slavery and the “ho-hum” of politically correct Christianity. In fact, it has almost gotten to the point that if the majority of Christian opinions is to turn left - - - I will engage my right turn signal!!! I would rather live out on the edge with Christ and other like-minded followers filled with His excitement and passion for others.
So in the future when the emotional or financial or physical challenges seem to overwhelm – please remind me to adjust my Godly bifocals!!!!!
Hi Terry and Henry,
Thanks for keeping us posted and sharing your thoughts. You are in my prayers. All is well here and we are grateful to have Whitney back in Oklahoma. We know God watched over her in all her travels. She is already planning her next trip! She will also soon be making her long-range plans with the Peace Corp soon. Please remember her in prayer. Love, Becky
this reminds me of the message printed on a t-shirt I saw in NY..."THINK" (on the front) "what is your purpose, what is your impact" (on the back) are in my you,:) nancy
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